Hello all! remember me? Well Im back from my two month writers block. It must have been the cold, I was hibernating a little...but enough about that crap, I feel like telling you about my night last night, so here it goes...
A few friends and myself planned a night out at La Med for its now famous comedy night. I decided to give our "world class" train service a miss yesterday and drive in to hell (work), just so I could get home earlier and have a quick workout before leaving on the great trek over the mountain to Clifton. The reason for my quick workout is because of the little competition I have going with my gym obsessed friend, he thinks Im fat and I think Im in shape...round is a shape right? Well he is pumping every USN product on the shelves at Clicks and I am keeping it natural...Im trying to prove a point okay! USN made me round...Im boycotting that shit.
Anyways...I was "designated Dave" for the night, so I went to the central house with the built in Drive-in (GymFreak's house) in Plumstead. This boy has a HUGE tv or maybe its just big because he stays in a bachelor pad. I keep getting damn side tracked, I promised myself I would write such long bullshit but here I go again. So after getting crapped out when I got to the central house because I forgot my "tropical" tree that was growing in my spare room...we decided to leave with a joint filled with this stuff that looks like Mould's mould (and now that is the name of this amazing stuff), it was brought along by the "accountant", one minute she is freaking out on a balcony and the next thing she is supplying us with the 3rd finest weed I have smoked. What a great idea hotboxing my car on the way to a comedy show...or was it?
We were smoking this thin potent Mould's mould down the mini Miami stip of Camps Bay, driving like 10km per hour because of the foreign exoctic cars trying to show off in front of Caprice...Whats the point of having such nice cars when your penis is the size of a peanut, it truly amazes me. The girls are probably like "Oh my god you car is so amazing...what you hiding under those R4000 Diesel jeans"....zipppp!...."Where is it?" "What the fuck is that thing...its so cute"...anyways...
So we go and park at La Med and we are STONED shitless, freaking out at every person that walks past my car. The eyedrops were out and then the giggles came...and they did not go away, we must have looked so damn suspicious. A car pulled up in front of us with a guy and two girls...me and the "make-up artist" were so intrigued by this that we decided to pretend to be them in the car and created our own conversation...not so funny now, but last night that shit was extremely funny. So after building up enough courage, we got out my car probably stinking of Cape Town's 3rd finest, we walked in to La Med to go to the table we booked. We get to the hostess/waitress and she guides us to our table and as if my paranoia could get any worse, our table was right in front of where the comedians perform. Fantastic! So we freaked out a little...a lot! Laughing nervously and uncontrollably (because of the mould's mould)...We were in for one hell of a night. And to attract more attention to our table (that was under a spot light) we had a celebrity or three, the E-TV Weather girl (no names mentioned...for her protection) Hi Candice!...ooops! sorry...And we had the drummer from an up and coming South African band. And ofcourse the 3rd being yours truly (apparently I look like the gay guy from Isidingo, it has brought me some unnessecary attention over the years). Lucky for us, either the lighting was really bright on the comedians so they couldnt see us or they didnt recognise us. They did pick on us a little but it could have been a lot worse...plus I was crying a lot from laughter, so Im glad I didnt get picked on because I probably really would have looked gay infront of everyone...crying like a little bitch, that was some good mould's mould I guess.
Seriously people...every second Wednesday La Med has these Comedy nights, they seriously worth the watch, its free, all you have to do is book a table. The comedians were all great and the MC was fucken brilliant...I wish I had this show on video.
The comedians were:
* Martin Davis (MC)
* Richard hardyman (Kfm)
* Rob van Vuuren (Twakkie from Corne and Twakkie)
* Paul Snodgrass (E-tv's thats sports show and other comedy acts)
* David Livingson (Mweb advert guy)...dont know how to spell his surname, I carnt spal to goed!
I will try keep this blog up to date, I promise
Happy Spring people!
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