Can you believe this shit!, Mini Me (Vernen Troyer) is now in a sex tape scandal. Just when you thought youv'e seen it all, now a midget celebrity is in a sex tape...can the guy even have sex or does he just dive right in. Look at him all naked there with his tongue out...sexy beast! Gone with the days of this little bugger humping Dr. Evil's leg and now humping 6ft6 models...He has now earned some serious legendary status in my books. I take it she picked him up in the bar (excuse the pun). Its amazing what gets people off these days...just the other day I came across a girl who has webcam and on a daily basis she has sex with farm animals...seriously who the hell watches this crap. If you want the link contact me, oh and check out page 3 thats quite entertaining what she does with a goat, yeah I know you want to see it you sicko! Gone with the days of petting animals...now they having sex with them. Terrible!
What the hell is going on in this once so beautiful country of ours? I just heard on the radio that last night our police force was up against the JHB metro police, what the hell? Bystanders were even shot. Seriously, we supposed to trust these people with our lives, now they just killing eachother...nice! Gone with the days of fearing getting arrested by the police, now you have to dodge bullets when you see them...crazy crap. So right now there are no police in Johannesburg, I dont even want to know how the MOST dangerous city in the world is going handle this. I would raid shops and steal cars...you know just some petty crimes. And apparently the interest rate is going up again, and the petrol price...who is the guy getting off on this? Sitting behind his desk laughing as he makes people poor. WHORE! (random outburst...we spoke about this). Soon they going to charge us for breathing. I hate the government...why has noone burnt down parliament yet? whats wrong with you people!
So my sister is getting married this weekend (wedding crashers welcome), gone with the days of her being single and pissing it up like an Irish woman on St. Patricks day, now she is busy shining up her ball and chain as I type this. So because I am only getting paid on Monday (hopefully), I wont have money for the cash bar provided but I do have a nice bottle of brandy for the car bar that will be outside, anyone with mix is welcome. Oh and I have designed the best I O U card EVER...I really hope she likes it. Gone with the days that I used to pull money out my wallet, now I have a pet moth and some old bank statements. This wedding is really going to be awesome, the dj is going to jam some funky chicken and there is free food (yeah!) and free wine (bonus). My future brother in law still has to pay me his final monthly installments before he gets married...the prize doesnt come for free my friend, you pay for her time!
Gone with the days of me saying I would keep up to date with this blogg daily, now its just weekly...being awesome is a hard job people...DEAL WITH IT!
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