That must have got some sack...
Justice really got served here...only if our police force was this efficient.
Great work Mr. Spike
That must have got some sack...
Justice really got served here...only if our police force was this efficient.
Great work Mr. Spike
Its the beginning of Trance season, well open air Trance parties...And what better way to start the season with the Awesome EarthDance. Its going to be huge people! 3 Dance Arena's not floors...fucken Arena's my friends, an Arena makes a floor look like a pubic hair on a urinal, yes...that small. EarthDance will be having a Trance arena, a HipHop/TripHop arena and ofcourse a rock arena.
This party is going to attract some of the wildest and weirdest people known to Cape Town and you know what...Im going, so its going to be awesome because I am wild and weird, funny combo and you add the two together and it creates Awesome, read it up...its there.
Like all good Trance parties it has a hidden location (well sort of), you get a map when you get your ticket...which Im getting tomorrow. Tickets are R170 pre-sale and R200 at the gate. Its from the 12-14 September, so bring your tents and lots of energy. Food stalls are provided and if you run out of weed there is a whole lot of dodgy yet friendly white boys running around selling.
They expecting like between 3000 and 7000 people, so make sure your cell phones are charged up because trust me, there are no cops to help you find your loved ones if they missing. To make things exciting for the rock fans...Goldfish will be there, Woopeeefuckendoodah! Im game to see some fucked up names on the Trance floor like: Zion Linguist, Commercial Hippies, Toby2Shoes and Spekta. This party is going to be CRAZY...I have my glow in the dark t-shirt ready, Lumo sunglasses, hippie pants...I am going to hippie the weekend away next week...AWESOME, good break away from my "home away from home" Tiger Tiger...the smart collar, shoes and jeans will be taking a backseat that weekend.
Hope to see you all there...
Saturday flew past...maybe because I slept the whole day, oh, can anyone tell me the rugby score...DAMNIT! Well anyway...my plan for Saturday was to hit only the greatest club EVER...Tiger Tiger, Fark YEAH! It was a AWESOME night out and to make it even better I scored 4 tickets to SEETHER for the Sunday, there was a guy giving tickets away for free and the way I found out was by almost completely knocking this guy off his feet by falling over my own MASSIVE feet...told him Im sorry and he gave me tickets! I wonder what I will score out the next guy I knock into...maybe a black eye or a broken nose knowing my luck.
Sunday I woke up and realised I forgot to get a fathers day gift, so I bolted up to the mall and got my dad a woolworths voucher, some biltong and cashew nuts, what more could a dad want...and its a bonus because he has such a AWESOME son. I spent about 3 hours with my parents, chilling while they just lay in bed hung over...true party animals! they stay out all night and if they never had a cat to feed, I dont think they would come home...they earn legendary points in my book! Off I went to GrandWest to see probably the most successful SA band SEETHER...it was great, except the beer system at the Grand Arena sucks ass dick! So we bought in bulk and I only pissed like a farm horse during the concert and was an insy bit typsie! Seriously Seether really rocked my socks off! they good...infact they great! After the concert my buddy and I were going to go back to his place with a few friends and piss it up a little when we came up with the great idea of going to the official Seether after party at...yes you guessed it...Tiger Tiger. We got there and it was empty until the whole of GrandWest came and the place was PUMPING...The band rocked up and chilled in the V.I.P section, I didnt have time to meet them when they got there because I was busy at the shooter bar. Eventually I made my way to Shaun (the lead singer) and we chatted and I gave him a few tips for his next gig, he was ever so grateful (I think I made his night) but I dont think he will remember because he was pretty in his chops if you know what I mean...AAAAH...another great night.
Monday, I celebrated my youth day by going to GrandWest to do some gambling which I figured out in a hard way that I am fucken terrible at...I hope GrandWest takes my month's grocery shopping money and spends it wisely! I hope the guy who spends my money DIES! (oops...there goes those aggro torrets again, my bad)...I spent the rest of my "youth day" playing Warriors on PS2...seriously is the greatest game ever, if you ever have a chance to steal this game, go ahead and take it...you wont regret it!
Have a great week!
Kev Out!